Henderson Foot Doctor Office Podiatry

Podiatrists in
Henderson, NC

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451 Ruin Creek Road, Suite 202
, NC 27536
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Phone: 252-438-4426
Fax: 252-430-1709


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Monday8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Tuesday8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Wednesday8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Thursday8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Friday8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Ankle Pain is common with many different causes. Pain is typically felt in the front, back, and/or outside of the ankle.

Pain from the Achilles tendon attachment is often related to tight calf muscles, which leads to poor ankle dorsiflexion (lifting your toes toward your shin). Weakness in this motion will lead to inflammation in the peritenon of the Achilles tendon attachment.

Who is at risk for ankle pain?

– Runners typically experience heel pain, while basketball and soccer players have pain on the outside.

– People who are overweight often have increased stress on their ankle joints, leading to arthritic changes or meniscal tears. Obese people are less capable of dorsiflexion, which is how the foot moves towards the shin. This may be due to limited mobility through the tendons and muscles around the ankle.

What activities are specifically related to an ankle injury?

Running: The “heel to toe” motion when running puts repetitive stress on the ankle and foot. Tight calf muscles compound this from being under-used or weak.

Basketball: Swinging the legs with as little contact as possible to prevent injury

Soccer: Similar swing style compared to basketball, but on a shorter surface that causes less impact force than in a run or jump. 

Ankle Pain Henderson NC A sprain of the ligaments around the ankle is a common injury with sudden impacts, such as dropping a heavy object on a foot or jumping down from furniture. When people experience an ankle sprain, they typically feel pain upon initial contact with the ground (known as the “injury moment”). Then pain worsens after weight-bearing when the ankle begins to swell.

You can prevent ankle pain by maintaining the strength and flexibility of the dorsiflexion (toe-lifting) muscles along with ankle stability. Stretching before exercise can help prevent injury in these areas. Wearing proper footwear to avoid ankle pain is also very important, as is wearing good quality athletic shoes for runners and jumpers.

Treatment for ankle pain involves conservative care such as rest, ice, compression, and elevation (R.I.C.E.), braces, splints and physical therapy. In addition to these measures, elastic straps may be used to support the peritenon of the Achilles tendon attachment. At the same time, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) can reduce pain and swelling.

You should see a podiatrist if the pain is prolonged or no longer improving. If a sprain is suspected, X-rays may be taken to rule out fractures.